Confirm the green deal as a priority in the next EU mandate

The green deal as a priority in the next EU mandate
Confirming the Green Deal as Europe's growth and security engine, providing much needed clarity and stability to industries and citizens. The undersigned stakeholders (companies, local entities, NGOs…) ask EU leaders to confirm the GreenDeal as the foundation for a competitive, secure, modern and efficient Europe during the next EU mandate.
The Green Deal has set the EU on a path to sustainable growth, and has proven to be robust and convincing in challenging times.The continuing Russian aggression in Ukraine, the resulting fossil fuel crisis, as well as the increasingly dire impacts from climate change in Europe, have confirmed the Green Deal as essential to the EU's security, competitiveness, and social welfare objectives. The fossil fuel crisis catapulted Europe into a new paradigm. The energy trilemma of sustainability, affordability, and security of supply now clearly points in one direction: delivering and completing the Green Deal - replacing fossil fuels and shifting to a sustainable, circular and just economy - is essential to all of Europe's strategic objectives.
According to the IEA [1], EU electricity consumers saved an estimated EUR 100 billion during 2021-2023 thanks to an acceleration in renewables and electrification. And the world's clean technology value chains will be worth over €600 billion by 2030 [2]. No action on climate change, on the other hand, could lead to a 10% loss in global GDP by mid-century [3].

The EU Green Deal is the best strategy for securing Europe's prosperity and competitiveness, providing badly-needed coherence and regulatory stability to Europe's businesses and citizens. The undersigned companies and stakeholders, therefore, ask EU leaders to:
Confirm the EU Green Deal as a top priority in the next EU Strategic Agenda, and complement it with a Clean Industrial Deal that is in line with the Green Deal objectives
Align all EU financial instruments with the Green Deal objectives for 2030 and beyond, includingestablishing a new Clean Industrial Deal Investment Plan as part of the next EU budget; supporting cities and regions in the transition;
Appoint an Executive Vice-President for both the Green and Industrial Deals to ensure both competitiveness and decarbonisation objectives are met in the most efficient way.
We call on EU leaders to use the next 5 years of their mandate to act on its Green Deal commitments. We have 20 seasons to take our fate in our hands and advance towards a competitive, secure and democratic Europe.
Let's not gamble on our future, let's build it!

[1] IEA (2023), Renewable Energy Market Update, June report

[2] IEA (2023), Energy Technology Perspectives 2023

[3] IIASA (2024), What are the economic costs of climate inaction

Bertrand Piccard
President of the Solar Impulse Foundation
"Politicians across spectrums need to recognize that the Green Deal and environmental protection can be economically beneficial, generating jobs, enhancing resources, and boosting European competitiveness, energy independence and sovereignty"
Walburga Hemetsberger
CEO of SolarPower Europe
"Delivering the Green Deal is a prerequisite to strengthen the EU's competitiveness and is essential to an Industrial Deal for Europe"
Eric Scotto
CEO of Akuo
"The Green Deal is a no brainer: not only is it the only growth path for Europe, but also is it our most powerful shield against the geopolitical risks of energy dependance"
William Todts
Executive Director of Transport & Environment
"A job half done is as good as none. We must relaunch the green deal as the EU's jobs, growth and energy security strategy. Investing in Europe-made batteries, electric vehicles and hydrogen for aviation and shipping should be an absolute top priority."
Paul Voss
Director-General of European Aluminium
"Not long ago I proudly signed the Antwerp Declaration calling for the establishment of an Industrial Deal for Europe. Today I'm happy to reaffirm the aluminium's commitment to the Green Deal. A healthy industrial base and a healthy planet cannot be seen as mutually exclusive alternatives. Europe must learn to walk and chew gum at the same time!"
Claire Roumet
Executive Director, Energy Cities
"The green deal is the best competitiveness policy, because it gives a comprehensive and coherent framework to support affordable, abundant and sustainable energy production. It improves peoples lives, it improves the competitiveness of our industry and businesses, and it improves our cities."
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Green Deal statement
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